I obsess way more about things I've said than about things other people say. When I'm with friends, I usually go home afterwards and basically critique my performance. This has been less of a thing as I've gotten older, maybe because I have fewer friends now, or because the friends I do have are close friends who've known me for ages and will forgive me everything.

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I remember things I said/did back in kindergarten (for reference, I am 64!). I probably remember every little thing I did or said that made me wonder if no one liked me or if they were all laughing at me. I wish I could say it gets easier or stops as we age - but it doesn't. I am still reliving all the things plus all the new things. I'm thinking no one else remembers anything. They have no idea we are still thinking about any of it. hahal

On another note, I just subscribed! Yay!

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I do a lot of public speaking for my job and I do way too much talking off the cuff which is really my downfall and I will absolutely spend weeks, and months overthinking the one thing I said that could easily be misconstrued, or be reported out to someone higher on the food chain. Plus, I swear A LOT. Like way too much for someone who talks to rooms full of people my mom's age. I really should stick to a script. The worst is when I am on TV. I really cannot be trusted to do live TV. My favorite is when I am asked for a quote in the newspaper because I can totally ask for a bit of time to get back to the reporter, workshop that over the course of an hour, and then have it be the most perfect morsel of a quote. Anything else tho--

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Congratulations from a paid subscriber. I wish you success and confess to stewing over some dumb things I've said or done over the years. It's a human thing. Ask our shiba.

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