This reminded me of a church sign that we passed one day that said "Organ donation meeting @ 7 PM this Tuesday." My husband, who plays the piano and organ, said "Wow, that's amazing!" The children and I looked at him quizzically and he continued, "Organs - if it's a pipe organ - are so incredibly expensive and to have one donated is really unusual. I wondered if someone passed away and bequeathed money for an organ..." Finally one of the boys said, "Dad, I think that's a meeting to discuss being an organ donor." My husband was still in the organ that you can play mindset and responded, "what do you mean?" Our son said, " you know like donating a kidney or putting that designation on your driver's license!" We all cracked up!! Honest mistake!

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and sadly but interestingly, I broke my arm this summer! It was my first broken bone and I was not a fan of that experience! But I'm pretty much healed, too, just working on strengthening at this point. When I was wearing the cast, people came out of the woodwork to tell me about their various broken bones - which sounds annoying but I was grateful to see all those that had made it to the other side!

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I'm trying to increase awareness about anatomical donation. That's what it's called when you donate your entire body to a medical school for the students to learn from. Your remains will be cremated when they are finished with them. The cremation is free! I have leukemia, so I can't donate any organs. So I was very happy to learn about this option.

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Great depiction of Kool Aid Man!

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I recently went to a birthday party and ended up meeting a bunch of people who also work in employee development training. We got into some great conversations, and after a while, one of their male coworkers joined our table. The lady sitting across from me turns to him and says, “She’s in training,” pointing at me. I was so confused and couldn’t help but blurt out, “In training for what?!” 🤦🏽‍♀️

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I'd never broken a bone until last September. I only fell 2 or 3 steps in front of my house and had the most complicated ankle fracture imaginable. I had 3 surgeries and I'm still very much in pain. The long plate and 13 screws are due to be removed in Winter. The worst thing was getting help right after it happened. My phone was inside and I couldn't move. I had to scream for help for over 30 minutes until someone heard me.

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Oh no! That must have been really scary. I make a habit of falling (and invariably break something when I do) so know just how vulnerable you feel when you’re on the floor hurting and need help.

My Mum had a complicated wrist fracture that needed a plate/screws. It was much better after the plate was removed. Hoping things get lots better for you soon.

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My first thought was “Im a little teapot short and stout…” and wanted to decipher the meaning from there

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And I'm back in my childhood...

Funny how a short snippet of that nursery song is like a pulled thread that can unravel the whole thing in your head. I often think that as I'm singing along to a song I haven't heard in over a decade and yet I can't remember what it was I went in to buy when I lock my bike up at the supermarket. Memory is strange and wonderful when you have it.

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Most of my misunderstanding stem from issues with Google voice to text. I use it a lot. And I'm not sure why because it doesn't get me right very often. And especially if I forget to proofread it. And I go ahead and send a text anyway. Then I'm sending constant update texts with what I really meant. Makes me wish I just made a phone call to start with.

I have no envy for any broken bones. I dislocated my elbow a few years ago. They kept insisting that the elbow had to be broken. You can't dislocate it without breaking it they said. For 2 weeks they took X-rays constantly looking for a break. Finally I got an MRI. There was no break. Two students put on the initial cast. They did it wrong. I was under the influence of drugs so they told me that it was my fault it was done wrong and they had to take it off and do it again. No broken bones, hospitals, not for me.

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Ugh! Sorry you went through that. It’s pretty much like that 80% of the time here in the UK…*

* Of course this is me assuming you’re in the US. If you’re another UK person you already know how broken the medical infrastructure is.

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Your assumption is correct. It is the US. Wow, 80% of the time .... I think my mistake is having that accident after hours. In future, I must attempt to plan unplanned things during business hours. Seems like there is more staff and they are more upbeat.

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Indeed. One friend always waits until monday morning before going to the ER. I remember telling a friend in Hungary about it and she was mystified. She asked “Why would things be any different at the weekend?” Sigh. Apparently there they prioritised equipment and staff over non-medical stuff and bureaucracy etc. She’s since moved to Switzerland and wow! If i were ever able to live anywhere I wanted to, it would be there…

It’s probably not 80% of the time everywhere in the UK, we have what we refer to as a ‘postcode lottery’. The service you receive depends greatly on which health authority you live in, or have the emergency in. Basically the whole country’s infrastructure is crumbling. There’s just too many people crammed onto this tiny island of ours and each government just seems to have zero idea how to manage any part of it. It’s all nepotistic quangos and ‘working parties’ (what an oxymoron that is). Sorry! This has turned into a lament about how much reality currently sucks.

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I am so sorry you had that experience!

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Thank you that's very sweet. Still have some anger towards the emergency room nurse but I'm letting it go. I figure she must have been having a really bad day. I probably should have given her some of those drugs.

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My husband and I were in the car with his father around Christmas time. I asked my FIL if he had found heart earrings for his wife yet. (A tradition since they got married.) He responded by saying "Yes, I think she should get hearing aids, but she won't listen to me." He thought I had asked if she was hard of hearing. So, whenever I mishear something my husband says, I just say "yeah, yeah heart earrings" ;)

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That’s hilarious!

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I was picturing a glass jug with a crack in it!

It's always interesting to me how differently people's brains work.

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…well at first my ND brain thought Brooke had written the word ‘pitcher’ wrong and that her friend meant ‘picture’. I saw an illustration of a person’s skeleton…

I’m assuming that was a combo of the weird way my brain interprets things and being British so baseball isn’t a big part of my upbringing. It added to the amusement :)

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Haha I'm also British, I thought that was why my first thought was pitcher=jug

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Lol lol. I love this. It took me two times of reading it to not think of baseball pitchers so, opposite problems. I can’t think of a specific misheard examples but one of my favorite games to play is to just repeat back what garbled nonsense I think I heard to my person and see if he thinks it is as funny as I think it is. It usually wins me a tired smile if nothing else.

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Me too about repeating back the nonsense I sometimes hear. I’m going deaf but my ND brain can’t seem to handle the hearing aids, so a lot of the time if someone isn’t facing me when they speak it can get very entertaining. Apart from when they sound like the adults in a Charlie Brown animation. That’s still entertaining for me. Less so for the speaker 🤭

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I think the "never not nervous" pencil should have tooth marks on it. Just sayin. I broke some bones in my foot years ago. Didn't realize it for months.

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I broke my wrist in my early 40’s at my son’s roller skating birthday party. I was feeling very confident and was skating backwards when I hit a piece of ice, lost my balance and fell down with a loud pop in my right wrist. Went to the Dr the next day and ended up with a cast. It was the end of the school year and I had to complete all my written paperwork with my left hand. This was in the 90’s before school districts had switched to computers. My left handed writing looked pretty bad.

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I broke my wrist mowing my lawn, over 20 years ago now, and I still finished the lawn and put the mower away. I think I broke a finger on my birthday this year, not falling down the stairs, but I never went and got it properly diagnosed.

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