White snow is infinitely superior to slushy brown and gray urban winterscapes. I know this even though I have more experience with the latter. 😁

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Yesterday I saw someone walking a dog, and the dog was wearing little booties. Here in CA, I can only imagine that the boots were to keep the feet of the dog clean (or maybe the little dog had injuries to his feet which were healing). But I wonder whether little boots would keep Kip’s feet warm and help him with his aversion to going outside when it’s been snowing?

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Nice to see your thoughts and drawings on Kip and snow! Just a friendly heads up: I'm guessing you meant Inuit languages, not Intuit — probably would be good to fix that. Also, I just read How Do Meerkats Order Pizza? and loved it! Will be gifting that to the little ones in my life.

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We haven’t had much snow here in southern NH this winter, but I’m okay with that and so ready for spring. I saw our daffodils starting to poke up and I almost cried.

My little dog Mayo hates to go potty outside when there’s a lot of snow or rain. It has made house training her quite a challenge. She gets cold easily, which is a good excuse to get her cute clothes. My husband tried getting her shoes, and she shook them off her feet within seconds.

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Last Monday we had a great weather, it was raining nonstop and one city had hail storm and everything was white for few hours. But unfortunately we are back to sunny days ☀️

That white sky and land is great. It’s so beautiful.

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This is my favorite substack. You never fail to make me snail and cry at the same time. I feel like Kip- smile or hair in mouth? ❤️Both

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Great photo of you and kip!

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